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Head Teacher: Steven Sneesby
Verney Avenue,High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 3NE

01494 448497


Due to the specialised nature of our school and the complex needs of our students, safeguarding at our school is of the utmost importance. To that effect, we follow strict safeguarding procedures when recruiting new members of staff and we update staff DBS (criminal records) checks every three years as well as undertaking DBS checks on all our management committee members. We ensure all staff are trained in Child Protection when they join initially and then hold regular all school sessions to ensure training is refreshed and up to date.

Our  Deputy Headteacher Tessa Willard is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and our Lead Practioner - Therapy and Behaviour, Saad Gilani, is the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead. We have a designated Safeguarding management committee member, Kathy Forbes, and we work in close partnership with a variety of external agencies such as Social Care, the police, CAMHS, other schools and school nurses, as well as parents in order to share any concerns we have that may be of a child protection nature. Our aim is always to work closely in partnership with parents, whilst keeping the safety and protection of our students at the forefront of any investigations.

If you have any child protection concerns or simply want to discuss safeguarding in general at our school, please contact the school directly at 01494 448497 or

To read our Safeguarding Policy, please click here.