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Head Teacher: Steven Sneesby
Verney Avenue,High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 3NE

01494 448497

Transition to Adulthood

Transition to adulthood is an exciting but often anxious and challenging time for our students and their families. Getting transition right is about developing individual solutions based on the strengths, skills, interests and preferences of the young person and their family. Through person-centred planning we draw together information from the young person and their family offering tailored support that focusses on the achievement of Kite Ridge School values:

  • Community Engagement and Participation
  • Autonomy and Self-Determination
  • Personal Development and Independence
  • Material and Financial Sustainability
  • Social and Intimate Relationships

    We believe that person-centred action is crucial to ensuring the best outcomes for our students.  We are continually developing close working relationships with other professionals and a range of service providers in order to meet the education, health and care needs of our young people as they move into adulthood.

    Our in-house transition programme supports students and their families to define and express their hopes and dreams for the future.  Based on personal preferences and needs transition facilitators ensure that individualised support is delivered by:

  • Our Transitions Co-ordinator will communicate regularly with the student's family as well as service providers to ensure that transitions are as smooth as possible.
  • Providing opportunities for students and families to plan effectively for transition through meetings prior to or following annual review meetings from Year 9.
  • Supporting students and families to discuss and identify future pathways; further education, community programme, housing and support solutions
  • Supporting families to navigate through national and local authority policies, guidelines and protocols
  • Supporting students to develop their confidence in a variety of placements; colleges, work placements, leisure and care facilities
  • Supporting families to identify future service providers and placements that may be able to meet the needs of the young person
  • Designing and implementing final year transition schedules to new service providers thereby minimising students anxiety and ensuring consistency of provision
  • Maintaining close contact with relevant professionals to ensure trans-disciplinary transfer guidelines are adhered to and funding secured in order that students education, health and care needs continue to be met
  • Developing actions plans which are actively implemented, reviewed and monitored to ensure outcomes are achieved, evaluated and inform future action where appropriate.
  • Conducting formal and informal transition follow-up visits and contact with students, families and service providers in order to monitor outcomes and provide further support where appropriate.

For more detailed information on the Kite Ridge Transition Programme, please contact us on or 01494 448 497.