Pupil Premium
During last academic year, only a minority of students were eligible for pupil premium, and we received £1035. The funding was used to appoint an external street dance instructor to come in and provide street dancing lessons on a weekly basis in order to increase their engagement in physical activity as well as their social interactions with other students and adults. This was also of benefit to other students of the school who were able to join in with the sessions.
For this academic year, again a minority of students have been confirmed as eligible for pupil premium, and we received £1035. This allocation has once again been put towards street dancing sessions which enables our students, all of whom have a mixture of physical conditions that can prevent them from engaging fully with the curriculum at the school, to take part and excel in physical activities which benefit them in all areas of the curriculum. The impact of this is measured in the increase in achievement for the eligible students as well as an increase in their general physical health. A review of the pupil premium approach will be undertaken next academic year or sooner if there is a change of circumstances.